Catholic Autism Moms

Are there any other Catholic Autism Moms out there? Attending mass with my son with autism can be quite a challenge sometimes. What strategies or tools have you found helpful when taking your child with autism to church?

Years ago, I started offering small rewards for good behavior at Catholic mass, and that seemed to help some. Last year, we even had ABA therapists attend mass with us, and that made a huge difference. I still offer a small reward for good behavior at mass, and thankfully over the last year, his behavior has improved immensely, but this is still an ongoing worry for me.

The parishioners at our church have been extremely supportive and encouraging to us, even on days when my son has “bad days.” I haven’t publicly told some of the folks who are supportive and encouraging, but I’m sure that it is obvious that my son has special needs when we are at mass sometimes.

I would love to hear from any other Catholic Autism parents out there! Feel free to share your stories, tips, and ideas for success at mass with your child with autism!